Social Skills

Kid holding playing cards

Unlocking Social Skills: How Games Can Transform Lives for Autistic Individuals

People with autism experience social and communicative differences and have restricted interests and repetitive behaviors, and the interventions that have been developed to help social, cognitive, learning, and physical issues, focus on teaching them how to adopt neurotypical behaviors. Yet, these interventions may increase stigma and inhibit authenticity. Autism affects around 2 percent of the …

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Autistic Child needs speech therapy

Speech Therapy Information And Options For Parents of Autistic Children

Speech therapy can help autistic people and this article covers several important aspects, including guidelines on finding a qualified speech therapist.   What Is Speech Therapy? A field with an extensive range, speech therapy treats speech and communication disorders. In children, those with developmental disorders are helped to understand and use spoken language in a …

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Identifying Your Home Emotion

Emotional Intelligence in the Digital Workplace: 5 Tips on Developing your Workplace EQ

The digital workplace is here, and it’s not going away anytime soon. With the digital workplace comes surprising social aspects you would usually associate with a regular workplace. Now, there’s no digital water cooler for you to stand by and gossip when your break comes around, but there is a people aspect to your digital …

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Father and Daughter -Helping Children Develop Emotional Control

5 Tips to Help Children with Autism and ADHD Develop Emotional Control

You will find that many children on the autism spectrum and with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder will have difficulties controlling their emotions. It’s believed by both scientists and parents alike that most of these children lack executive function skills. Executive function skills include being able to organize, manage time, sustain attention, be persistent in following goals, among …

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Basic emotions

Basic Emotions: What They Are and How They Affect Our Behaviour

Human beings are prone to, and someone would say suffer from, feelings – we call these ‘emotions’. They affect our behaviour in different ways: some positive some negative. Some people appear, to others, to be driven by these factors. We call them emotional. Emotion could be defined as a strong feeling caused by: • Circumstances; …

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Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child

Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child: 4 Tips for Strengthening Your Child’s Emotional Intelligence

Raising an emotionally intelligent child can be a puzzle for some. You want to be able to strengthen your child’s ability to relate and socialize with other people, especially if they happen to have difficulty with emotions in general, like those with autism. Given it’s a relatively new concept, though, how you were raised can …

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Improving Conversational Skills in a Child with Autism

Simple Tips on Improving Conversational Skills in a Child with Autism

One of the biggest difficulties people with Autism Spectrum Disorder tend to have is with communication and social cues. Social interaction can be confusing and downright frustrating on both ends. It can lead to miscommunication, awkward moments, bad first impressions, and unfortunately, many kids with autism are ostracized for being “weird”. This can all stem …

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